Mold Allergies in People and Pets: What Are the Signs?

person with pet Mold Allergies

Is mold in your home affecting your health?

Now that winter is here, you and your family (including your pets) are likely spending more time indoors to escape the colder weather. However, the presence of mold in your home can quickly turn those cozy snow-day vibes into a potential health problem

Seasonal storms and freezing temperatures are notorious for causing unexpected water damage, and mold can grow quickly inside your house when excess moisture is present. Not only that, but mold growth can be sneaky, often starting in places you may not notice right away such as in the attic or basement, or beneath a bathroom sink. 

If left untreated, certain types of mold can impact indoor air quality and may cause allergic reactions in both people and pets. In fact, increased allergy symptoms may be the first sign that you have an indoor mold problem—which is why it is important to know what to look for. 

Signs of mold allergies in people 

Exposure to mold growth of any kind can be harmful to all members of the household. While no home is completely mold free, mold spores that are allowed to collect and multiply can negatively impact a healthy indoor environment. In humans, the most common symptoms of mold exposure include:

  • Allergic reactions (coughing, sneezing, runny nose, watery eyes)
  • Respiratory issues (wheezing or shortness of breath)
  • Headaches 
  • Fatigue

Babies and children, as well as elderly household members, may be more susceptible to mold allergies due to underdeveloped or weakened immune systems. Likewise, individuals with existing allergy problems, chronic respiratory issues, or compromised immunity due to illness or medication use are also at risk. 

Signs of mold allergies in pets

Humans are not the only ones affected by mold growth in the home. Dogs, cats, and other four-legged family members may also have issues with mold allergies. In pets, signs of a mold allergy generally include: 

  • Skin issues (dryness, redness, or hot spots)
  • Ear issues (frequent ear infections, head shaking)
  • Trouble breathing (coughing, wheezing, sneezing)
  • Watery eyes
  • Loss of appetite
  • Fatigue 

Similar to humans, older pets or those with existing allergy problems will be more prone to mold allergies and other health issues. If you notice your pet has been licking, scratching, or chewing their paws more than normal, it may be a sign of a mold allergy. 

What to do if you suspect you have mold

Is it just seasonal allergies, or do you have a mold growth problem? 

To rule out the latter, start by doing a quick preliminary search inside your house. Begin with the rooms and areas most prone to mold growth, including the attic, basement, and crawl space. Next, check beneath sinks and around plumbing, on or around air vents, and inside dark cabinets or closets. 

Common signs of mold include dark spots or discoloration (possibly with a fuzzy or slimy texture) and sometimes a damp or musty odor. If you see or smell any of these things, call a mold remediation specialist as soon as possible to schedule an appointment. 

Keep your home and family safe with CT Mold Pros.

The last thing you need during cold and flu season is a potential mold allergy making things worse. At CT Mold Pros, we are dedicated to helping you and your family (and your furry companions) stay safe and healthy this winter and throughout the year. 

If you have seen mold or suspect there may be mold growing in your home, our trained and certified specialists can quickly identify the problem and determine the best course of action. Call CT Mold Pros today at (203) 920-0265 for a free estimate or fill out this short form with your message to schedule an appointment. 

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